Press Release

RESTAURANT MANAGER, version 7.1 optimized for Pizza operations

Lanham, Maryland, August 23, 1996: In conjunction with a number of pizza store operators, including large franchises, ASI has enhanced its Point of Sale (POS) system, RESTAURANT MANAGER, to efficiently process and manage the sale of Pizzas.

Unlike other food and beverage items, taking a Pizza order can be a trying experience. Besides selecting a size and type (thin crust, deep dish, etc.), one has deal with combos (Hawaiian, Meat Lovers, etc.), extra toppings on the whole or parts of the pizza, as well as the infamous special instructions (no onions, no anchovies, etc.) By applying touch screen technology and efficient screen design, ASI's Pizza Order Entry provides the quickest and clearest user interface for this purpose. From one screen, the user can fully define one or more pizzas. With ASI's pizza screen you can add and remove toppings, and change the size and/or crust of a pizza with a single touch.  This super efficient user interface is ideal for high volume Pizza Delivery operations.  On the management side, a flexible Pizza setup program allows easy programming of Pizza combinations and prices.

Founded in 1988 Action Systems, Inc. (ASI) specializes in Point of Sale (POS) and Management software for the foodservice industry. ASI offers its software products through a network of 200+ Value Added Resellers (VAR's) across the continental US, Canada, Europe, the Caribbean, Middle East, and Asia. In areas where ASI does not have local VAR, its products can be purchased directly from the company.

For more information, contact ASI at 1-800-356-6037