ASI’s newly designed 10’ x 20’ booth made its debut at the 2003 NRA Show in Chicago.




Representatives from Bi-State Point of Sale Solutions explain some of the 

new features of Restaurant ManagerTM Version 14 to prospective clients.  

Bi-State President Mel Welch (far right) sent out a 22,000 piece mailing 

before the show that really brought people in.




ASI Sales and Marketing Associate Jason Kornfeld demonstrates the revolutionary 

Write-On HandheldTM to some of the many visitors to this year’s booth.  

Although this year’s NRA Show saw one of its lowest attendances in recent history 

(only 70,000 attendees) ASI managed to obtain a record high number of leads from the show.




Audrey Chernaukas once again drew in the crowds and showed how easy it is to use ASI’s Write-On Handheld.




Edgar De La Rosa of Delarosa POS advises two of the many international visitors to the booth. 

An ASI directed campaign of pre-show HTML emails attracted consumers from far and wide.




Kevin Welch (far right) of Bi-State Point of Sale Solutions explains the functionality if the traditional Restaurant Manager POS system.




Another Bi-State Point of Sale Solutions representative, Dan Nelson, 

goes into more detail about the technical side of Restaurant Manager

with a couple of restaurant owners.  ASI got a great response from two pre-show direct mail pieces it

sent out to a list of high volume independent restaurants in the months before the show.




ASI CEO Alex Malison gave personal demonstrations of the finer points of the

Write-On Handheld throughout the first two days of the show.




Peggy Burns of Networks Business Systems walked the entire show floor taking faux orders

on the Write-On Handheld from everybody and anybody.




Regional Sales Representative for ASI, John Biba, shows two restaurateurs how

they can customize Restaurant Manager to meet their specific needs.




It was hard to tell if more people were attracted by ASI’s new moving billboard or Audrey.




From left to right:  Andy Derkson (Bi-State), Kevin Welch (Bi-State), 

Dan Nelson (Bi-State), Christopher Wright (ASI),

Audrey Chernaukas, Mel Welch (Bi-State), Jason Kornfeld (ASI), John Biba (ASI)